Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Avery Grace!

Happy 12 months!
Our sweet baby Grace is one year old today!  She actually gave me a great present by sleeping through the night again ( 4th consecutive night...record setting).  And this was the happy sight when I walked in to get her this morning...

 We went to music class, the fabulous Midland mall, and then home for a 3 HOUR nap!- who knew the girl had that kind of napping in her???  Zach came home from working in Andrews and we took Avery to get her first ice cream (frozen yogurt).  It went a little something like this...

Pre-ice cream

Post ice cream
Post ice cream swim

So I think she had a great first birthday.  It's been a good day for Zach and I to think back on this past year and on this day a year ago when we first met our girl.  I went back and read my journal from one year ago...I had written on June 25th, 2012- which I had labeled post due date day 9.  In this entry I wrote, "we're hopeful tomorrow will be Avery's birthday- and that we will hold our answer to prayer in our arms."  And we did get to hold her that next day, the answer to so many prayers,- and praise God for his grace abundant- we've held her every day since.

We're looking forward to celebrating her birthday a little more with family and friends over the next week.

Here's what she's been up to over this past month:

Crawling, crawling. crawling

Pulling up to stand lots

Mama is still her favorite babble, sometimes directed at me...more often directed at the iphone

Loves her new trick of taking off her bib

Really enjoys using her shaker and music sticks she got from her music class

Has been sleeper better at night...yay!

Buddy bear

Some good quality Lego time with her daddy on Father's Day

Celebrating Tenley's frist birthday in Abilene

Bear had been surprisingly sweet to her...or maybe just tolerant

My helper

A good reading place

A good relaxing place

New instruments from music class

Let the curls begin....

Trying out her standing legs

Beating the west Texas heat!

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