On Dec. 2nd our Avery was baptized here at our church Fort Worth Presbyterian. I know infant baptism can be a somewhat confusing and sometimes divisive sacrament. It seems that you'll find God seeking, believing and honoring people in both the pedobaptist (infant baptism) and credobaptist (believer's baptism) camps. Zach and I were familiar in a general sense with infant baptism and its implications. Our pastor directed us to some good resources to help us further prepare for Avery's baptism. Here's a brief summary of what I learned: God established a covenant with Abraham in the Old Testament "to be God to you and to your offspring after you"(Gen 17:7). The outward demonstration of the covenant was circumcision-and this sign of circumcision was applied to infants as well (Gen 17:12). In the New Testament, Jesus commands his disciples to make other disciples and baptise them (Matt. 28:19). Baptism is an outward sign of the inward change of an individual believing in Christ. As one of the resources I read explained, baptism has become the fulfillment of Old Testament circumcision. There are also several examples in the New Testament of whole households being baptized after the head of the household professes belief in Christ (the household of Lydia and the Phillipian jailor both in Acts 16). So this lays down the foundation of infant baptism. It's important to note though that while baptism is a sign of salvation- it is not what grants salvation itself. Salvation is only gained by God's grace, through faith in Christ.
What really struck me in this preparation for Avery's baptism was the responsibility and commitment of Zach and myself. While Avery was actually receiving the sign, Zach and I were making the commitment and proclamation in front of the church that we would raise and teach Avery in the way of the Lord. As Avery becomes more and more aware, I've started to think of all the times I don't want her to be aware...when my attitude is poor, my words harsh, when I'm selfish, impatient, ungrateful...It's made me thankful for this covenant that God has given- to be God to us, to give us grace and mercy, to save me from sin and to refine and redeem me. And we pray that our God would call Avery to himself...that she would believe this covenant God has given.
My parents, brother and Aunt Sally were able to come in town for the baptism. It was a quite a trip to make to come for the weekend but great to have them all with us!
The baptism gown was given to us by my mom- it's been in our family over a hundred years. |
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