Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Almost 26 weeks!

Last Friday baby girl had her almost 26 week appointment- including an ultrasound!  It was great to get to take another little peek.  She's weighing in at 1 lb, 14oz. We're so thankful all her measurements and heartbeat looked good!  The night before the appointment baby girl and I were showered by the sweet ladies at our church, Redeemer Presbyterian.  It was such a lovely gathering.  We had some yummy food, were given some fun and very useful gifts and were prayed over by these women.  I felt very honored, and well, showered.  

Almost 26 week photo- We couldn't get a good profile shot, so here's an almost profile with her bringing her hand to her face. :)

Baby girl from a different angle :)
A couple fun things she's received:
The softest little bunny Zach's mom sent baby girl

Some ultra girly shoes from our friends The Hogans

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