Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sweet surprise

This past Sunday our friends, Megan and Dylan, invited Zach and I and some other friends, Steven and Mary, over for lunch.  Come to find out, we were going to much more than lunch.  When we arrived we were greeted by the girls in our Sunday night bible study for a surprise baby shower for both Mary and I!  (Mary and Steven's baby boy is also due on June 16th!)  The girls had prepared all sorts of yummy food, fun games (who knew baby food tasted so terrible!) and showered us with all sorts of fun gifts.  I was overwhelmed and so thankful for their love and generosity.  What sweet friends God has given us!
The ladies
With momma Mary

Yummy food

Shower games

Fun presents for baby Hogan and Ellis!

Mary and I with Megan- She was the mastermind behind the surprise.
Our other weekend events included: baby girl turning 28 weeks- hello third trimester!, picking up her crib and dresser, little Luna getting her first hair cut, going to a "car seat" class at the hospital (who knew there was a class just about about car seats?!) and a friend from church taking a few "maternity photos" for us.  All in all, a great weekend!
28 weeks

Bringing home the crib- we were the cool folks driving down the highway with a failing piece of packing sheet following us home.

A clean, short haired Luna

Friday, March 23, 2012

27, 30 and 1,200

We had some big numbers this weekend.  Baby girl is 27 weeks old, I turned the big 3-0, and Zach drove from Laredo to Midland to Andrews to Abilene and back- 1,200 miles in his trusty red pick-up.  Not too fun to spend a weekend apart, but we both had good things about our weekends.  Zach had some productive meetings in Midland and was able to see his family in Abilene.  I got to hang out with some girlfriends and of course, Luna and Bear.   Here's a few photos from the weekend:  

Luna in the bluebonnets...Spring is officially here!

A sweet, sweet dress I wore (30 years ago) that my mom sent me.  It's really beautiful and I can't wait to see baby girl in it!

Bear and Luna's favorite game (besides stealing socks).

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Almost 26 weeks!

Last Friday baby girl had her almost 26 week appointment- including an ultrasound!  It was great to get to take another little peek.  She's weighing in at 1 lb, 14oz. We're so thankful all her measurements and heartbeat looked good!  The night before the appointment baby girl and I were showered by the sweet ladies at our church, Redeemer Presbyterian.  It was such a lovely gathering.  We had some yummy food, were given some fun and very useful gifts and were prayed over by these women.  I felt very honored, and well, showered.  

Almost 26 week photo- We couldn't get a good profile shot, so here's an almost profile with her bringing her hand to her face. :)

Baby girl from a different angle :)
A couple fun things she's received:
The softest little bunny Zach's mom sent baby girl

Some ultra girly shoes from our friends The Hogans

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Surprise 30th celebration!

Last Saturday, Zach told me he had made plans with our friends, Cohl and London, for dinner that night.  Sounded good to me.  Zach isn't too much on planning for things such as this.  But that night he definitely had plans, and they resulted in giving me a fun surprise birthday party for my 30th at La Gloria down at the Pearl Brewery!  Such a fun night! He's some-kind of wonderful.
There he is- my sweet husband
Baby gray even made it to the party..and brought his parents, Genevieve and Jonny
With the Hogans and soon-to-be Drs. Brazil
With momma Mary (not visible quite yet- Baby Hogan and Baby Ellis- both due June 16th!)