Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Avery in Cowtown

Hard to believe we've almost been in Fort Worth for a month!...It's even harder to believe that Avery is one day shy of being one month old.  We've really been enjoying living in Fort Worth...our apartment is close to the zoo, several parks, some great neighborhoods with excellent walking opportunities, as well as some cute restaurants and shops.  In the 108 degree heat we've definitely been taking all this in from our car window, enjoying the air conditioning.  But we are excited about busting out the BOB (thanks to Avery's grandparents) and walking and running around these parts.  We also live close to a Braums...maybe a little too close.   Zach has started his job here as an official pediatric dentist.  Zach's mom has visited a few times too- which has been such a help.  Avery loves all her Gammy's songs!  We've also had several other friends in the DFW area visit.  It's been fun to see some friends that we don't see so often.  Several folks have brought us meals as well.  We've really been blessed by their kindness.  It is an amazing thing to have dinner just appear.  If I had to pick one word to describe what Fort Worth has been so far to us it would be friendly.  We've felt very welcomed to our new home by strangers and friends alike.

And Miss Avery- now almost one month old.  We love, love this girl.
Here are a few Avery updates:
-at her 2 week appt she was up and over her birth weight at 7 lbs, 2 ozs ( I told you we live too close to a Braums :)
-We love how big her eyes get when she looks at really cool things...like the window blinds for instance
-She's lifting up her chin and turning her head from one side to the other during tummy time (the physical therapist in me is pretty excited about this)
-She began to track toys and faces
-She is verbalizing tons more- all sorts of cute sounds come from this girl
-Sweet smiles...I know they say these aren't intentional smiles, but we love to see them
-She's a rebel...no more arms in the swaddle...she will find a way to work them out
-Sleeping with her arms high above her head
-She's also become quite the kicker
-She loves to stretch her arms high above her head and let out a big sigh

Here's a few photos from the last few weeks...
Sad to have to say bye-at least for awhile- to Avery's grandmama

Avery meeting Shea and Jamie

Gammy and a VERY curious Luna

Arms up!

And again!

Good times with her daddy

Looking at those cool window blinds
Snoozing in her cradle made by Greg

 Here are a few from Avery's 3 week "photo shoot"

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