Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Roadtrip to Waco

This past weekend we headed the opposite direction from our usual weekly route on I-35 route - to Waco!  Zach's Aunt Janey and her husband, Greg, hosted a family lunch and shower for us on Saturday afternoon.  On the way we stopped at the Annual Texas Shelby Cobra meeting (translation: car show) in San Marcos.  It's the 4th meeting we've gone to in 5 years.  (What's that you say?  Oh, that I'm such a good wife?!  Well, I should let you know that Zach also endured a trip to IKEA before we reached our final Waco destination.)  We arrived in Waco on a beautiful afternoon, and as always Janey had prepared a feast for us.  Her cousins, Karen and Judy, and Judy's daughter Amanda and Amanda's daughter Lillian joined us- along with the significant others: Palmer and Tom.  Zach's mom and brother also drove down for the gathering, and of course Zach's Grandma Dot was there too.  We all enjoyed the yummy food, and baby girl was showered with some sweet presents.  We really enjoyed this time with family- many that we don't get to see very much, and are thankful for the way they celebrated and helped us prepare for our baby girl!
Cobra meeting!

Judy made a pretty flower arrangement...the bunny is a rattle!

Aunt Janey- our hostess

Zach's mom and brother made the drive from Abilene

Baby girl's great Grandma Dot

Grandma Amy :)

Sweet smocked dress from Grandma Dot

Cute "Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth" book from Karen
Apparently a "must have" for a good sleeping baby- thanks Amanda!

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