Avery Grace - 4 months! |
It's been a month of firsts for Avery. She had her first trip to the zoo when Gammy and Bailey came to town. She had her first flight to San Antonio to celebrate April and baby Jack at a baby shower. Avery did so well on the flight. Avery and I stayed with Danielle and fam the weekend of the shower. It was during this weekend that Danielle's 2 year old son, Luke, gave Avery her first kiss. We managed to capture the moment. I'll let Avery's expression speak for itself. I emailed the photo to my parents and I have to second my dad's response, " I hope she keeps that look whenever a boy tries to kiss her for a long, long time." :)
Here's her latest stats and activities:
-13.5 lbs, 26.5 inches long (98th percentile for length!!!)
-Loving tummy time- even hands free
-Lots of laughing, smiling...and shrieking
-Blue bug is still the favorite toy...however her Owl (thanks Laura and Jake) and her Dolly (thanks Aunt Sal Pal) are close contenders
-Is tolerating/liking her Bumbo chair
-Reaching out and grasping toys
- Lots of chewing on her sweet hands...they are so yummy.
Zach's also had a busy month with lots of dental practice preparation. We did take a little time out to celebrate his 32nd birthday. Our house in San Antonio is something that has been occupying quite a bit of time as well. Unfortunately, the sale of the house fell through so we've been getting it ready to put on the market- which thankfully happened last week. All three of us went down for the weekend 2 weeks ago to work on the house but then Avery and I ended up staying all week to get more things done. I was really humbled by and thankful for the kindness and love from our family and friends that helped us get through (and get around during) the week. Many thanks to you all. Let us know if you know anyone who's looking for a great house in SA! So lots of busyness this month. I recently read this quote by George MacDonald, " He thought to gain a thing by doing, when the very thing desired was a being." Such a great reminder...that God is not impressed by my busyness, my deeds, my appearance but instead focuses on my heart...that in seeking Christ more and more...my heart would become refined, transformed...still.
Bath time at Gammy's |
Trying out the Bear suit on a chilly day |
Showing off her smiles |
Happy Birthday Zach! |
More smiles |
With Aunt Sal Pal |
Lots to say... |
Fun with Gammy |
Tummy time with owl is so fun |
More tummy time |
...and more |
...the kiss |
The zoo! |
Sporting her zebra pants at the zoo |
First trip to the stock yards |