Enjoying the front porch with Kelly and Miss Kennedy |
Happy Birthday Zach! |
Beautiful park in Greenville |
Our hike to John's rock...enjoying a "real" fall |
We took a long weekend over Zach's birthday in October to travel to Spartanburg, South Carolina (proclaimed by the Bozards to be the Promised Land) to visit our friends Kelly and Michael Bozard, and the newest member of the Bozard family, 4 month old Kennedy Weathers. Michael and Zach have been talking about a potential partnership in Spartanburg, so a good part of the visit focused on seeing the pediatric dental practice and discussing future possibilities. The Bozards, as always, showed us the best Spartanburg and the surrounding area had to offer. Our trip involved a delicious meal with Kelly's cooking club, lunch at Michael's office with the staff, a hilarious performance of Capital Steps at the Cultural Center, throwing a baby shower, a little trip to Greenville for a fancy birthday dinner for Zach, a beautiful hike in North Carolina, some "real" Southern BBQ, and a delicious homemade by Kelly birthday dinner #2 for Zach. Zach also got to spend a whole day at the office with Michael, and then a morning in the OR. And of course, there was plenty of playtime with cute Kennedy! So now we have the decision in front of us...is South Carolina where God is calling us to go? Honestly, at this time, we're not sure. What we do know is that when the Thomas asked to know the way that Jesus was going, Jesus replied, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." So in the meantime, by God's grace, we're praying, seeking the One who is the way and trusting God will reveal His will in His perfect time.