Sunday, January 29, 2012


Baby GIRL Ellis! 
Her 18 week photo
Zach and I loved every minute of the ultrasound.  We were able to count all 10 fingers and toes, see the four chambers of her heart, see all her vertebrae and watch her move and wiggle around a lot.  We also heard and saw the most beautiful movement, her heart beat.  We were so thankful to see that she is doing well and looking healthy.  This little life, our baby girl, is such an answer to prayer to us (and to many of you who have been faithfully praying).  God has already used her to teach us so much...about his perfect timing, provision, faithfulness and grace, about learning how to entrust and submit, and about how He gives good gifts to His children.   He has shown me how He is my rock and strength, when I feel so weak.  I am so honored to be her momma!  Praise God for His creation!

It's definitely not glamorous, but for those that have been requesting a belly shot...
Almost 20 weeks!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Goodbye Brace Face!

Last Wednesday was a big day...for both Zach and me.  It was the long looked forward to "debonding" day- the day I got my braces off!  As much as I have enjoyed watching Finding Nemo and Cars and sitting in the Hannah Montana room during my appointments, it was time to say goodbye.  Dr. Zach did a great job, not only straightening my teeth, but also living with me and my braces for almost a year.  Maybe not the easiest task...  But now I'm brace-free forever!...and loving my retainer forever!

Christmastime 2011

We kept with our recent tradition of both Zach's and my family coming to spend Christmas with us in San Antonio.  It was a full house and we had a great time together....even without hot water.  Unfortunately, our hot water heater decided to stop working on Christmas Eve...and after 2 plumbers came out to assess, it was determined nothing could be done until the holidays and weekend were over.  So no hot water for 4 days.  Everyone was a trooper about it.  We rented a room at Super 8 down the road (thankfully there was room in the inn) and took little road trips to take our showers.  Zach's mom and my mom were on top of boiling water to wash the dishes and we had a very elegant Christmas dinner on paper plates with plastic utensils.  Zach and I both had about a week and a half off from work so it was really nice to stay in San Antonio for awhile and also rest.  It was a good time to think about the year that had gone by and the year to come.  This year especially I was struck by Mary's Magnificat, as I have been awed by seeing the great things God has done in these past few months in particular leading up to Christmas.

Luke 1:46-50
And Mary said,
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation...

Some photos of our Christmastime:

Traditional Christmas Eve Breakfast with the girls..and their boys :)

Cookie decorating (and eating) time!
Luna and Bear enjoying their Christmas morning treats
Present time
Boiling up some hot electric tea kettle has never seen so much use!
The fam
Celebrating a BIG birthday for my Dad at the Lodge...after my mom and I had just had our make-up done by a transvestite-true story.
Luna in her new coat that Aunt Janie gave her on our Waco trip!