Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Back in the Blog's been over a year since I fell off the the blogging I thought it time to make a reappearance.  It's been an eventful year in many ways and in some ways we're still doing the same things we were doing a year it up in Laredo, going back to San Antonio most weekends, working, dog walking, Modern Family watching, Jason's Deli loving...  So maybe the best way to fast forward through the past year to bring us to the present is through photos...
Celebrating our 4 year anniversary at La Posada in Laredo

The "Anything Christmas" themed party with our dental students

Christmas with the family in San Antonio

My cute granddaddy...who passed away to be with His Creator April 2011
after a long struggle with Alzheimers's

Post holiday time in Waco with Zach's fam
CMDA Mission trip to Laredo colonias

Good times with the Hogans in Laredo!

Real snow in San Antonio!

Meeting up the the Hensons, Walgamas + twin additions, Kate and Will, in Temple

Shower for Momma Amy and sweet Pete, born July 2011

Saying farewell to our graduating dental students

With Jake and Laura, sweet friends and awesome roommates...we miss them.

Trip to Indianapolis for Zach's continuing ed

Visiting the Creation Museum in Kentucky

Check it out at:

Our Peru team from Redeemer San Antonio

Machu Picchu

Nathan and Zach taking in the Peruvian views

In the dental clinic at the orphanage in Peru

Sweet time with our friends, Nathan and Kristen Henson,
in their new home, Cuzco, Peru 
Girls Weekend 2011

Showering Momma Genevieve and baby Gray, born Sept 2011

The arrival of little Luna, the "schnoodle"

Bear and Luna making friends

Trip to St. Louis for a continuing ed course over Zach's birthday weekend and my parents came to meet us.

St. Louis zoo

Enjoying FALL in St. Louis!

That about sums it up as far as the places and the things we did over the past year.  It's been a good year, but a tough one too...maybe one of the hardest we've known together.  But in our weakness, God continues to show us his strength, and through Christ's power, goodness, mercy, love and grace He enables us to press on.